Design your own social action project with Chris Hines

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  • Design your own social action project with Chris Hines

First Blueprint support programme announced with Chris Hines as your mentor...

An experienced surfer, a highly respected communicator and a driver of positive change, Chris Hines (MBE) is resolved to find solutions to problems. Formerly Founder of Surfers Against Sewage (SAS), and Sustainability Director at the Eden Project, Chris uses his deep understanding of the balance between the social, environmental and financial aspects of sustainability to lead others to action. Do you live in Newry, Mourne & Down area? Interested in designing a social action project in your community with Chris? Then drop us an email

Although the Blueprint programme is reaching out to Ethnic Moniority Groups it is open to anyone in Newry Mourne and Down area.

Building Positive Relations – Ethnic Minority Cultural Diversity Programme: 2019/20

A comprehensive ethnic minority cultural diversity programme across the Newry, Mourne and Down District Council area supported by the European Union’s PEACE IV Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB)

In this Blueprint programme YOU are the co-designer.  We will guide you and link you up with our professional team to deliver your community project/event idea. We are currently offering online support through the CoVid-19 crisis.

For more information contact the Beyond Skin office

Newry, Mourne and Down District Council Chairperson, Councillor Charlie Casey said, “The BLUEPRINT programme is a really positive initiative for our local communities, which the Council is pleased to deliver through EU PEACE IV funding. I look forward to hearing about the different transformational projects and events that will be delivered within the district throughout the coming months, through the support of Beyond Skin.”