Opportunity To Study At GHIS Israel

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  • Opportunity To Study At GHIS Israel

Givat Haviva International School (GHIS) based in IsraelĀ brings together Jews and Arabs from Israel & Palestine, Armenians and Turks, Russians and Ukrainians together with teenagers from all over the world. In 2023 we hope to have four students from Northern Ireland to earn a prestigious IB (International Baccalaureate) diploma while engaging in conflict resolution education.


There are four placements forĀ students who are entering the last 2 years of high school.Ā The course is in place of 'Aā€™ Levels.

It is a two year program. The tuition and accommodation on campusĀ is funded

Directors Nurit Gery andĀ Clare King LassmanĀ from GHIS will visit Belfast 27th February to 1st March to host information sessions.

EmailĀ  info.beyondskin@gmail.com for more information

At a time when world tensions run high and few solutions seem at hand, Givat Haviva International School (GHIS) rises to this challenge with its unique approach to developing future community leaders.

Our students learn to see past stereotypes and historical narratives. Rather, they learn to value diversity and respect each othersā€™ opinions and perspectives. They learn to trust, not to fear.

A new generation dedicated to respect and kindness rather than divisiveness - they return home as peacemakers.


1. To build a network of young leaders who learn the skills to work together towards a more peaceful and just future in Israel and in the world.

2. To develop ambassadors for diversity and social rights

3. To give opportunities for future leaders to receive top class education, including those coming from under privileged backgrounds who could never afford such an opportunity


The Montecito article - Leaders to heal the world - Montecito Journal - July 2022

EmailĀ  info.beyondskin@gmail.com for more information